Croatica Chemica Acta

  ☆   published by the Croatian Chemical Society   ☆   est. 1927

Impact Factors (IF) of Croatica Chemica Acta since 1975

Impact Factors (IF) of Croatica Chemica Acta since 1975

Source: Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics)

Year Impact Factor Year Impact Factor Year Impact Factor
1975 0.549 1992 0.403 2009 0.805 (0.959)
1976 0.607 1993 0.413 2010 0.713 (0.936)
1977 0.762 1994 0.625 2011 0.763 (0.854)
1978 0.618 1995 0.451 2012 0.614 (0.661)
1979 0.587 1996 0.595 2013 0.556 (0.667)
1980 0.389 1997 0.836 2014 0.728 (0.751)
1981 0.397 1998 0.697 2015 0.732 (0.716)
1982 0.555 1999 0.533 2016 0.586 (0.832)
1983 0.484 2000 0.701 2017 0.705 (0.861)
1984 0.545 2001 0.571 2018 0.731 (0.978)
1985 0.657 2002 0.722 2019 0.812 (0.879)
1986 0.756 2003 0.729 2020 0.887 (0.939)
1987 0.565 2004 0.924 2021 0.659 (1.000)
1988 0.444 2005 0.936 2022 0.3 (0.8)
1989 0.405 2006 0.778 2023 0.7 (0.9)
1990 0.752 2007 0.606
1991 0.611 2008 0.831 (1.000)

Notesince 2008, 5-year Impact Factors have also been listed (in parentheses)

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